Monday, March 18, 2013

narayan blog #2

The main idea of this blog is to enlighten the readers about the similarities between DCS and PLC. Just to educate you, the reader of my blog, PLC stands for Programmable logical control, it is a digital microprocessor used to control machinery on factory assembly lines, cnc lattes, amusement rides and lighting fixtures. DCS, distributed control system is used for manufacturing system processes, in which the controller elements are not in a central location but are distributed throughout the system.

The author went about giving us the similarities between the DCS and PLC, like for example, they both use functional blocks and then he went on telling me, the reader, about the advantage in deploying them in different working condition and the benefits of these control systems in their respective environments.

PLC, for example, was a natural choice of manufacture and the end use was to apply it for safety systems, while the idea on the other hand was to supply DCS with a whole bunch of hardware and software packages including for Human Interface, necessary for the complete automation of the plant, thus facilitating Single Point Configuration in terms of database and communication possible. Today, “Differences between the two has virtually vanished due to Programming / Configuration language standard IEC-61131.” (Asif, 2012)

This post was informative as it discusses the improvement between these two controller systems over the past years since the controller systems have been upgraded to keep up with new technology and trends.” Now, more important is cost, application, system integrity, reliability, maintainability, historical logging / intelligent statistics and learning / training.” (Asif, 2012) The author spends time to blog because he wants to help other electrical engineers out there when deciding on which controller system to deploy in their working environment as easy as possible. As you can see from the author’s blog the similarities in these systems are so close that he leaves the choice in choosing a controller system to you the reader. This is because both of the controller systems can do the same thing. From reading this blog I think can better understand why some companies choose to use one control system over the other.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Narayan's Tech Writing Blog

 Ramesh Nararyan

Welcome to Ramesh Narayan Blog page. I am a second year electrical engineering student at laguardia community college. I am currently working at JFK airport as load control/weight and balance master.
Most of you are probably wonder what my job relates to.I balance air craft and make them take off form point A and then stay safety in flight until it lands at point B.An aircraft is like a sea saw and my job is to make sure it stays balance and dose not exceed any of it limits.
I started school back because i am  interested in control system and emerging technology.